In a scarred and collapsing Beirut, Nawal, an atypical mother and business owner, is holding the fort. What started out as vintage clothes shop soon evolved into a bustling upcycling enterprise where creatives are invited to explore, learn and hone their fashion, photography, styling, and silk-screening skills.
As living conditions continue to deteriorate, Nawal’s act of resistance is to keep her doors open and her community empowered and at work. But as the crisis worsens, she needs to be even more resourceful and find ways to keep fighting in the face of adversities before they wear everybody out. This tender cinematic portrait of one incredibly uplifting shop owner and her proteges is a vitrine offering an intimate view into what it is like to keep living, creating, and hoping in a country in disarray.
Director: Cherine Karam
Producers: Mario Adamson, Ashley J. Smith, Clara Harris
Format: Documentary
Status: Development
Country of origin: Sweden
Supported by:
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Presented at:
Malmö Arab Film Festival 2021
Thessaloniki Pitch 2021
Tempo Pitch 2022
Developed at:
MFI Script 2 Film 2021
DocCelerator Story 2021